The company’s CSR strategy under this program focuses on raising awareness within the local community to promote environmentally sustainable development through greenery and tree plantation initiatives.
The company’s CSR strategy under this program focuses on raising awareness within the local community to promote environmentally sustainable development through greenery and tree plantation initiatives.
In 2022, Surya Nepal supported the ‘Mountain Cleanup Program’ led by the Nepal Army, to protect the Himalayas and restore their pristine beauty. Building upon the success of this initiative, Surya Nepal Prakriti continued the joint efforts for ‘Clean Mountain Campaign 2023’ by once again collaborating with Nepal Army. The campaign was launched using an expedition model that involved mobilizing Sherpa supporters for ground operations, including the collection and transportation of waste to the nearest roads or airheads.
Surya Nepal, under its CSR initiative ‘Surya Nepal Prakriti’ has taken significant strides to protect and preserve the environment. One notable initiative is the Avenue Plantation Project, which covered areas in Simara and Birgunj along a 12 km stretch of road. An additional 2.5 km of plantation, consisting of 1,746 plants, was later added, extending from Lalka Bridge in Jeetpur to the Sugarcane Research Center in Jeetpur.
The Surya Nepal Prakriti initiative launched tree plantation drives at Sainik Awasiya Mahavidyalaya, a public school in Pokhara, under the ‘Student One Tree’ program, planting 1,500 saplings. Additionally, Surya Nepal supported Ward Office-9 of Shuklagandaki Municipality, in collaboration with the local community forest and Endless Energy Pvt. Ltd., to reintroduce native Chiuri trees and restore ecological balance. This project involved the planting of 400 saplings and ensuring their growth through dedicated caretakers and regular monitoring and impact reporting.
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